All about Oasis and the others ...

Oasis vs Blur

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Založený: 02.01.2006
Príspevky: 309
Bydlisko: Topolcianky

 PríspevokZaslal: Pi Nov 17, 2006 10:05 am    Predmet: Oasis vs Blur Odpovedať s citátom Back to top


Laughing Laughing
Thinkers don't work.
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Založený: 16.10.2006
Príspevky: 180
Bydlisko: TT & UK

 PríspevokZaslal: Pi Nov 17, 2006 2:18 pm    Predmet: Odpovedať s citátom Back to top

No tak Oasis boli groteskny wzdy,w tom ma prawdu...tak si zajtra naladim vh1 ako alex zaexceluje Very Happy

tu je zas rozhovor z noelom z casopisu NME (z casopisu,nie netu) :

"The whole thing about 'Roll With It' versus 'Country House' thing, was that they were both shit songs. I thought I'd written the hit of the summer, Damon thought he'd written the hit of the summer, then Supergrass come along with 'Alrigh' and just 'ave it! Thing is about [Damon], is that he still thinks I hate him, which just fascinates me. He thought he was the king of London, and it was like, "No, I am the fucking king of London!" He was desperate for all that 'spokesman of a generation' shit - he went fucking bald trying to be me!"

...no newiem co si mam o tom mysliet

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