All about Oasis and the others ...

liam terrified by ghost

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Založený: 09.08.2005
Príspevky: 488
Bydlisko: Presov

 PríspevokZaslal: Po Okt 29, 2007 8:04 pm    Predmet: liam terrified by ghost Odpovedať s citátom Back to top

Oasis frontman Liam Gallagher is apparently so scared of a ghost in his home that he sleeps with the lights on.

The singer – who once claimed to being visited by the ghost of former Beatle John Lennon – has apparently been convinced for “some time” that he’s sharing his house with an unwelcome visitor.

“Liam is absolutely convinced there is something sinister in some noises he has been hearing late at night when he, Nicole (Appleton) and Gene are all in bed,” explained a ‘source.’

“He lies awake listening with the lights on," they added. "And he is adamant he hears footsteps going up and down the stairs.”

The ‘source’ also tells the Star that Gallagher “wakes up and feels as though he is being watched by someone from another walk of life. He also feels a cold air pass over him when he hears the sounds of the footsteps – usually between 4 and 5am."

Not to fear though because Appleton has apparently told him that everything is "all ok."

On the day (October 29th) that Oasis release their new DVD, ‘Lord Don’t Slow Me Down,’ we think that Gallagher’s fear of things that go bump in the night might just be a case of pre-Halloween publicity. A spooky coincidence.

Thanks for the info to Gigwise.com.

zeby Liamovi uz z toho chlasto kus prepinalo Very Happy Very Happy ???
abo to je blbost... ?
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Založený: 25.02.2005
Príspevky: 952
Bydlisko: Vostok 1®

 PríspevokZaslal: Ut Okt 30, 2007 12:34 pm    Predmet: Odpovedať s citátom Back to top

fajnovo som sa zasmial pri citani toho clanku Smile asi ma liam dobreho dodavatela Wink
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Založený: 10.02.2005
Príspevky: 1075

 PríspevokZaslal: Ut Okt 30, 2007 5:16 pm    Predmet: Odpovedať s citátom Back to top

Hej hej...suhlasim...niekedy to tomu chalanoci jebe
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