All about Oasis and the others ...

The Verve - Live At Glastonbury 2008 !!!

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Založený: 07.01.2005
Príspevky: 280
Bydlisko: Presov, Slovensko

 PríspevokZaslal: Ut Júl 08, 2008 7:58 am    Predmet: The Verve - Live At Glastonbury 2008 !!! Odpovedať s citátom Back to top

Ludia, len sa bijem po hlave, preco sa mi nepodarilo zohnat listok aspon na jeden den na Oxegen 2008, den, ked headlineuju THE VERVE ...


The Verve played:

'This Is Music'
'Space And Time'
'Sit And Wonder'
'Life's An Ocean'
'Velvet Morning'
'Rolling People'
'Drugs Don't Work'
'Lucky Man'
'Bitter Sweet Symphony'
'Love Is Noise'

Tracks 1-3 broadcast BBCthree
Tracks 4-11 broadcast BBC2

Type: .mp3
Bit Rate: 192kbps

01 - This Is Music
02 - Sonnet
03 - Space And Time
04 - History
05 - Life's An Ocean
06 - Velvet Morning
07 - Rolling People
08 - The Drugs Don't Work
09 - Lucky Man
10 - Bittersweet Symphony
11 - Love Is Noise

looks like i fucked up the password lol, bet that is annoying as fuck copy and paste all of this text, including password

password: http://seethewhiteofmyeyes.blogspot.com/
"Will those feet in modern times, walk on soles that are made in China?" ... The Verve
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Založený: 10.12.2005
Príspevky: 620
Bydlisko: bratislava

 PríspevokZaslal: Po Sep 08, 2008 6:45 pm    Predmet: Odpovedať s citátom Back to top

stiahol som si video z tohto koncertu - parada!!
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