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Noel v textu od Coldplay!!!

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Založený: 13.09.2006
Príspevky: 533
Bydlisko: Ostrava City

 PríspevokZaslal: Po Dec 04, 2006 2:43 pm    Predmet: Noel v textu od Coldplay!!! Odpovedať s citátom Back to top

Frontman kapely Coldplay Chris Martin hrál 27.11.2006 v Londýně svůj sólový set a na něm zahrál i novou skladbu s názvem Bucket For A Crown v jejímž textu se zpívá o Noelovi !!!!

“Bucket for a crown”

When you’re sitting on a beach in a car with the paint dried up
Well, you’re gonna give a cause when the rain washed up
Well being just there with the gypsy talking to my friend
But you’ll never get with it if you don’t get respect
Oh well you’ll never get with it if you just want respect

But sometimes the money’s gonna run out
And you’ll be standing on the corner with a belly full of doubt
Sometimes somebodys gonna bring you down
And you’ll be standing on your own with a bucket for a crown

Well me and the boys were standing thinking we were hip
I don’t wanna be the captain of a sinking ship
Well me and the boys in a town where the Mormon go
Listening to a session by Noel Gallagher
I was listening to a session by Noel Gallagher

They said sometimes your money’s gonna run out
And you’ll be standing on a corner with a belly full of doubt
Oh someday somebody’s gonna bring you down
And you’ll be standing on a corner with a bucket for a crown
Oh you’ll be standing on a corner
Just waiting on a corner
Standing on a corner with a bucket for a crown

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